Monday, June 23, 2008

Gee Six Sigma Shenanigans

It's a toolbook alright.

This morning at my office there was a presentation given on "six sigma", a Way of Life dedicated to the elimination of errors in industrial processes (and a very simplistic appropriation of third-day-of-class high school level stats almost on par with this guy's*).

Well, there was supposed to be a presentation, but the guy couldn't work the DVD for a solid and delightfully awkward 20 minutes. 0 for 1 I guess. What's that, like, negative three sigma? Gonna be tough to get that average back up to 3.4 errors per million starting off like that.

There was also a detailed (and related) presentation on delivering high quality, error free products to our customers--an interesting discussion since we basically sell a commodity (megawatts) that is inherently error-free as constrained by several laws of physics, and we don't really have "customers" (just trading counterparties), but whatevski; it made for some nice lifewasting. Did I mention we have a lot of Rice MBAs working here?

Incidentally, we are one of the top three energy producers in this nation.

*worst book of the new century, by the way. Bad math, bad prose, made up anecdotes as evidence. Prof. Damien called him the biggest fraud since Deepak Chopra**, and I agree with him.

**great cameo in the Love Guru, btw, Deep***.

***As Jack Handey once said, "if you ever come across a footnote within a footnote, just be prepared for the ride of your life."

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