Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Commenters of the World Unite!

Arise Commentariat!

A revolution has begun here in Pemula. No longer shall commenting be restricted to elitist bourgeois registered blog users. Now the teeming, mongoloid masses may post anonymously.

Have a quip about intrade-implied Presidential death spreads? Think Blake Lively is hotter than Lily Van der Woodsen?* Say so now under the aegis on anonymity, free from the reprisals of the Pemulan state apparatus.

Commentariat, you have nothing to lose but your chains!

*you are a gey if you think this


Anonymous said...

Fuck you.


Anonymous said...

[foaming at the mouth and babbling incoherently]

Anonymous said...

Guys in my high school used to post anonymously all the time and it was no big deal. - Biff

Anonymous said...

Did you take that picture from a cohort room in the Texas School of Business?

Michael Pemulis said...


Like with the inexplicable "Family" statue in front of the McCombs entrance, I found the cohort room propoganda-- done in true Ayn-Rand-cover-art style--to be baffling. Something you'd expect to find at the Engels-loving LBJ school.

I probably would have written about it except our editor, Kelly Calhoun, would have cut the piece so that Longino* could write another case competition war story in his signature press release prose.

*fuck codenames